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Industrial control Integrated industrial control solutions for housing and communal services

Integrated industrial control solutions for housing and communal services

Saturn® Data International Company is a member of the project “Sustainable territorial development in Ukraine”.

“Sustainable territorial development in Ukraine” is a project in field of local and regional development, realized in Ukraine with support of the European Council (EC). The development of complex strategy of sustainable development for Ukrainian middle territories (city + district) is being provided.

The project is directed straight to goal achievements, embracing the improvement of communal service infrastructure, increase of coordination efficiency of communal socio-economic activity and improvement of the management system on the local level, development of the integral strategy of sustainable local development.

Automation systems in the city, house or flat are effective means for continual and efficient management of energetic and natural sources. They reduce its consumption by suppliers as well by consumers.

The supplier’s goal is to make profit by giving more service with more costs and less expenses.
The consumer’s goal is to get more comfort with less expense.

Both suppliers and consumers should control the amount and quality of service, register, analyze, optimize the operation factors and manage its financial and manufacturing resources according to its objective functions.

In the sum-total of current expenses on the commercial real estate, the major part is taken by the utilities. That`s why it is important for supplier and consumer to reach more energy efficiency of such sources.

Automation complex systems of production control give an opportunity to manage continually production processes and financial sources in the real time. Moreover, they enable to design processes and estimate their efficiency. The AQUIS system (Seven Technologies, Denmark) is destined for mode designing, visualization of the operation factors of waterworks systems and their optimization. The pilot projects with AQUIS have already been started in several cities in Ukraine. They are being implemented by systems integrator Seven Technologies by Saturn® Data International Company.

In these projects AQUIS is integrated with the program for industrial automation I-Try designed by Saturn® Data International. The TERMIS system (Seven Technologies, Denmark) provides with designing and mode optimization of urban heat supply.

The implementation of efficient energetic systems improves the live of each habitant, raises the confidence to competent and educated local authorities. While planning and implementing the system, the task of optimization triangle “functionality – sources – terms” is being solved.

In the network of the project given, the automated control system of communal services for cities and subordinate districts was designed by Saturn® Data International Company. The system given operates the processes in field of communal services and guarantees the improvement of efficiency of the service and socio-economic development of cities and districts.

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