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Industrial control Integrated industrial control solutions for ore mining and processing enterprises

Complex of industrial control for sections of ore-dressing factories

Saturn ® Data International Company for over 20 years has been supplying flow-transport systems, monitoring and dispatching systems, AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM for sections of ore dressing with different types of mills and ore-mining and smelting enterprises on “turnkey” basis.

A series of new systems were developed by the Company last years that had been commissioned and successfully applied at Ingulets Mining PLC, North Mining PLC, ArcelorMittal Krivoy Rog PLC (Ukraine) and a number of other enterprises. The Company offers complete solutions - from sensors and local regulation nodes (already existing or in the process of installation) to integration of technological information into enterprise management system (MES / ERP) and creation of modern workshop scheduling. The implementation provides for equipping of all ore-dressing sections with local multifunctional industrial control systems and their integration in the control center (ore-dressing factory control room).

Complex of section industrial control ensures the solution of the following objectives:

  1. Optimization of iron ore mixture grinding process in the first stage mills by the criterion of maximal processing for a given drain density of classifier.
  2. Regulation and stabilization of pulp density by a given parameter at a classifier drain.
  3. Regulation and stabilization of density modes of wet magnetic separation stages.
  4. Regulation and stabilization of levels of technological and industrial sumps.
  5. Implementing of circuits: pump - hydrocyclone.
  6. Regulation and stabilization of operation mode in power supply units and hydrocyclones battery drain.
  7. Regulation and stabilization of discharge density of desliming sands.
  8. Control of machineries and equipment condition monitoring.

To solve the problem of grinding mills first stage performances optimizing here was developed a software product that provides automated processing of targets for ore and water, searching of mill maximum performances within given criteria and limitations of modes density and protection of mill and classifier of overloading.


Fig.1. Control room and a set of industrial control facilities for a section of ore-dressing factory.

Specialists of Saturn ® Data International Company have developed an acoustic sensor for noise level monitoring in a mill drum, as well as a number of special solutions for the control of density modes in mill - classifier circuit. The implementation of mathematical tools made it possible to bring in additional control of densitometer accuracy at this node and it may be wholesome for use in other flowsheets with different types of mills.

Fig.2. Acoustic sensor for noise level monitoring in a mill drum.

 Technical solution of the Company is of interest as to the method of density control of unloading sands during desliming. At this node was applied densitometer based on pressure transmitters. Set points of pressure sensors and the way of mounting on MD-9 deslimer were selected taking into consideration the influence of pulp viscosity and abrasiveness at densities in the range of 1,700-2,200 g /L. Using of this method allowed acquire a reliable and inexpensive way to control the density of deslimer discharge node.

Integrated solutions and optimization techniques of Saturn ® Data International Company in the first stage of grinding circuit have been tested at Kryvbas ore-dressing plants on the following types of mills:

  • Ball with a lattice,
  • Ball with a center discharge,
  • Wet self-grinding.

In order to perform the above mentioned tasks innovative software and hardware subsystems have been developed, such as pebble divider and others. Test results of industrial process control systems at these enterprises were positive and confirmed obtaining optimal performance growth in initial ore while maintaining the quality of finished product under conditions of automatic process control at ore-dressing factory.

Saturn ® Data International Company continues providing a number of promising developments and shows its readiness for cooperation.





Fig.3. Responses ArcelorMittal Krivoy Rog PLC, Metinvest PLC

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Inguletskiy and Severniy mining and processing complexes – large enterprises for the extraction ferruginous quartzites open way, their enrichment and the production of iron ore concentrate. The elaboration of SCADA system has been held in order to exclude outdated equipment, served for data acquisition, changing it for new devices and software.

Main tasks of the system, data acquisition and processing about:
  • registration of service water supplied during the preparation process;
  • electric power consumption in users, subscribers and the complex itself;
  • ore processing in semi-sections of dressing factories of the complex;
  • work time and downtime of the main technological equipment;
Creating of:
  • local informational network for reception, transmission and displaying of technological information (of supervisory stations);
  • general operational system of the complex, based on SCADA;
  • technological data for supervisory control on the complex;
The information comes into the system from various kinds of sensors, with system working on unified signals (4-20 mÀ, 0-10 V etc.). Throughout control cables the sensor signals come onto the entrance terminal boards of DAQ unit (Data Acquisition Unit). There they are transformed into the signals of TTL level and connected to the input-output boards. DAQ unit is a casual PC, a matched controller, storing and processing the information given and transmitting it to the remote access server. The mode of the system is automatic and continuous.

The system has its hierarchy and consists of three levels. The lowest one is the level of sensors. The middle is DAQ unit level. The upper one is the level of servers. On the middle level DAQ unit can form groups. 

There are several DAQ unit operation modes. According to them acquisition, control and operation by various sequences and signals are held. These operation factors enable to define sequences of response of mechanisms and classify these or that developments unequivocally. Furthermore, in case of rupture of the detached communications with remote DAQ unit the accumulation of the data is being held in their internal memory with corresponding signals on the server. After resuming the out-of-order line the accumulated data without any loss are transmitted to the server and archived. It helps to avoid the loss of operation of the aggregates in case of unexpected rupture of connection. Due to the implementation of the system enterprise management opened up the possibilities to react on the enterprise processes on-the-fly, and to receive the information about the remote objects in a long distance.


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