On March 27, 2012, within celebration of the 20 anniversary, the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen presented the publishing project “Industry and business in Ukraine: 20 years of development”.

“Presentation of the best domestic enterprises on pages of this edition gives chance to business community of Ukraine and other countries of the world to get closer acquainted with potential partners, serves as an impulse for possible cooperation, development of bilateral partnership. Such projects are integral part of dialogue between authority and business as they can be an informative source, become a powerful factor of domestic market development and attraction of the extremely necessary investments into the Ukrainian economy”, - noted during the ceremony USPP president, people's Deputy Anatoly Kinakh.
During the celebration, USPP declared winners of the nomination «Pride of the nation».
Along with Saturn® Data International Company, winners became well known enterprises, companies and public organizations: "Azot", "Antonov", "Energoatom", "Ernst & Young", "Nibulon", "Obolon", Association of international automobile carriers, Dnepropetrovsk switch plant, Investments carriage company, “Kiev Investstroi”, Kryukovsky car-building plant, Pobuzhsky ferronickel plant, "Radium", "TNK-BP Commerce", "Ukragrokhimholding", “Hartron – Plant” , PJSC “Sumy Frunze NPO”, "Galnaftoinvest", " Electron Concern ", "Rosinka" and many other.
Speech of A.Kinakh, president of USPP
Anatoly Kirillovich Kinakh, president of USPP presents to Rostislav Vladimirovich Sherstyuk, president of Saturn® Data International Company memorable sign of the Winner of the nomination of the Ukrainian union of industrialists and businessmen «Pride of the nation»
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